JMAG wins 1st Place in HHS Competition
JMAG wins 1st place in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Easy EHR Issue Reporting Challenge with its innovative QuickCapture product.
QCapture Grabs 1st Place in HHS Competition
As part of ongoing efforts to improve the safe use of health information technology (health IT) and electronic health records (EHRs), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced on November 28, 2018 the winners of the Easy EHR Issue Reporting Challenge. The challenge called upon innovators to create tools to help clinicians report EHR usability and safety issues faster, more efficiently, and without interruption to their regular clinical workflow.
James Madison Advisory Group bested all the entries with its unique solution called QCapture, which differentiated itself with its scalability, ease of use, and efficiency. The tool sits quietly in the background as a system and can be launched with a single key to make quick and easy reports. Use of the tray icon or hotkey keeps the user from exiting the EHR workflow, regardless of the EHR platform.
The tool exports in the HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Common Formats XML and PDF, captures screenshots, and simplifies the report delivery process. The solution can even be used beyond EHR systems.
Additional information about the Easy EHR Issue Reporting Challenge is availabl